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How a coffee shop saved a car scene

If you live in the Treasure Valley area you'd know that as of recently the car scene as a whole has started to pick back up. Of course it exists in everyone's small groups and little meets here and there but for a car scene to really thrive there should always be one place where everyone can go, no matter the vehicle, clique, style, or group and be able to meet new people who all have the same passion.

Strongline Espresso in Boise has become the place to be every Friday (and sometimes Saturday) night for the local car community. Thomas Ridgewell and the staff at SLE started the meet up right when they opened the store and haven't stopped since. Before this meet, the Cruise in downtown Boise was very dry not only due to recent exhaust crackdowns but also because the scene had disappeared for a bit. This meet starting bringing more and more people out, and after the shop closes everyone heads downtown.

Thomas also does a fantastic job at being very respectful and strict on anyone trying to ruin the meet for everyone else. If you're trying to drift in the parking lot, rev your engine excessively, or start fights, he stays outside and makes sure it gets shut down quickly. This level of respect and decency makes for a meet that brings back more and more people every week.

Of course this isn't the only car event around, nor is it the first regular meet to happen in the area but "The Strongline meet" has become a regular term amongst the community. With that, you get plenty of variety whenever you come here. Of course there are regulars, but there are some who can only make it out for 10 minutes every other week so coming here regularly there's almost always something new to see.

Something like a new mustang with an unsuspecting stock-ish look, however it's hiding a 700hp supercharged monster under the hood. Or a Pontiac G8 with a giant turbo attached to the legendary LS motor. If you're a bike fan then there's always a group outside parked tire to tire of 20+ bikes and all of them love to talk about their rides and convince you that you need one for yourself.

But then you get an entire group of stance cars rolling in and parking up in a circle. I'm a sucker for stance cars but honestly the #UNLUCKY crew does it right. There will be a feature on them very soon. In all honesty, if it wasn't for this meet being very regular and open to anyone, there wouldn't be as much of a presence in the community around here so a huge thank you goes to Thomas and the staff at Strongline Espresso for providing a place and doing it properly for the community to grow.


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